Be a better steward of your road network and roadway budgets. Become a PPRA Roadvocate. Don’t just learn about the principles of proactive network management, put them into practice. This hands-on virtual training will put you to work evaluating your annual treatment plans, expanding your network toolbox, and collaborating with agencies and experts across North America. Training: Road Resource Network Bootcamp | January 14-16, 2025 Format: Zoom Meetings
You'll Learn How To: Determine the best solutions for a road network and infrastructure budgets
- Evaluate the effectiveness of your annual treatment plans
- Prioritize road projects with limited funds
- Understand which treatments are right for your roads
- “Fill the gap” between understanding and implementation
- Easily demonstrate the importance of pavement preservation, asphalt recycling, and asphalt emulsions
- Leverage customized calculator tools for your own learnings, including presentations and meetings with decision makers
Previously known as “Super Users,” attendees of this virtual bootcamp will learn the tools and skills needed to improve communities through effective and actionable road network optimization. As defenders of road networks, participants will earn their PPRA Roadvocate certificate in addition to relevant professional development hours. This training is open to all, including agency & industry members. Participant Fees: $50 for any government agency $150 for members of AEMA, ARRA, ISSA $200 for non-members * Registration is limited to 50 participants. Sign up now before slots are filled.
Sponsor an Agency in Your Community: Everyone has decision-makers to satisfy and goals to meet. Especially when it comes to advocating for improved road maintenance, equipping agency customers could pay off for your community in a big way. Invite your local agency to attend, or consider paying their way.